Clinique Fit - skincare and makeup for your WORKOUT

Umm.....can you believe that title. It just really excites me and after using the Clinique Fit range for a few days I can safely say I'm hooked :)

Clinique is a brand I have been using since I was a teenager. Their 3 step skincare was probably the first ever skincare regime I actually adopted. Maturing into an adult meant that my skin changed and I developed Rosacea (you can read my story here ) and Clinique was the only makeup I could use. I still use their foundation, lipsticks, eye shadow, blusher and THE BEST liquid eyeliner I know.

The amazing team at Clinique invited me to the Fit launch where I got put through my paces by workout queen Kirsty Godso and also I got to take away the range to try!

The range:

  • Clinique Fit Workout Mascara : Its a bit controversial but I hate working out with absolutely NO makeup on (even leaving the house is a no no for me!) so finding a mascara that stays put during a workout is a real win. This mascara stays put and really accentuates the lashes. What I love about it is that it come off with warm water!

  • Post Workout Mattifying moisturiser: I don't know about you but I tend to stay a bit shiny for a while after my sweat sesh! This moisturiser takes that shine away so you don't look to oily. Really nice product and very lightweight which I like. Absorbs into the skin quickly and makes it nice and smooth. Also, I love the size as its easy to fit into your gym bag or handbag.

  • Face and Body hydrating spray: I LOVE a good face spray. Ever since moving to Australia I tend to keep some sort of rehydrating spray in my handbag as I get so hot during the day. This is great and the spray action is really nice and disperses the water evenly and powerfully. Again a good size to carry in your gym bag and handbag. Leaves a really nice healthy glow.

  • Post workout Neutralizing Face Powder: For me anything that reduces redness is a MUST. Ever since developing Rosacea my skin tends to flush quite easily and after working out this is especially so. This face powder is great for mattifying if you go red and dewy (like me). Its a bit hard to get the powder out of the sponge but keep working at it and it will come. Cute little bottle with a handy mirror on the lid so you can see what you are doing.

  • Lip and Cheek Flush: you need the TINIEST amount of this product to stain your cheeks and it is really effective. For me however, I like to keep the redness away otherwise I look like a tomato! This would be great for someone who doesn't go that red and is looking for a post workout glow. It is quite a deep colour/stain so also for me my lips are quite pigmented so if anything I try to neutralise my colour not make it more intense. If you already have neutral lips and like a deep stain this would be great for you.

  • Post workout Face and Body Cleansing Swipes: These wipes are EVERYTHING! Really sensitive, refreshing and quite large so you only need to use one! Love that they are so handy and you can pop them in your gym bag if you want to freshen up after class! WIN

If you are an active person and you are looking for some skincare and makeup to compliment your lifestyle I'd highly recommend this range! Nice work Clinique x x x


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