Discover how to live an eco-friendly and sustainable life. Sophie is embracing slow fashion, natural homecare products, natural beauty and a waste-free mentality. She prioritises travel to eco-friendly resorts and is committed to reducing her carbon footprint.

Come and join her on her journey.

Your Dream Life Starts Here

How do you create ‘your dream life’? And is it REALLY possible?? Well, to be honest, I’m yet to find out. The journey that has got me to this point right now has been long, arduous and emotional.

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Living Living

City 2 Surf Run Club

CITY 2 SURF RUN CLUB ⭐️ I love to learn and I can’t remember a time I haven’t had a few books on the go, had a couple of courses coming up and been conscious of the awesome people I surround myself with (who teach me SO much)……

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Living Living

Is vegan fashion a thing ?? Dr Martens

Ohhhhh the whole topic of veganism is so tricky for me. It’s safe to say that a lot of my recipes are plant based with the exception of some vegetarian and pescatarian recipes and I would say I spend around 80% of my time eating a plant based diet.

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Wellness Wellness

Why i'm embracing plant based living: Matthew Kenney

If you’ve read my food story before you will know that I’ve been a Pescetarian since I was 7. I guess this was the age where I became more inquisitive about my food and started asking questions like: ‘has that lamb come from the field outside?’ and ‘what do you mean beef comes from a cow?’ and so on.

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Living Living

How i organise my time effectively

I am NOT your typical ‘organised’ freak and to be honest I was always the messy one with scraps of paper everywhere, overdue bills to pay and drawers stuffed with bits of paper and lists I never got around to tackling……ya feel me?

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Living Living

How to tone up for summer - barre body

If you’ve been following my Instagram you will know that I have been doing Barre on and off for quite some time now! I LOVE Barre and I have noticed amazing improvements in my muscle tone especially in my problem areas (bum, thighs and hips!!)

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