My quick full body fat burning circuit

If you've been following me on Instagram and Facebook you will have seen that recently I decided to start on my own 4 week challenge (i.e the one I coach all my clients on). I'm one week in and I'm pretty stoked with the progress :) - although the diet has been a struggle (first week is always the hardest!!).

I've been training most days a mixture of strength and cardio. I've written myself a program for legs, back & arms and chest and shoulders. In between those days I've been doing this awesome circuit and finishing with around 15-20 minutes of cardio in the gym.

Warm up: 5 mins

Dynamic stretching



50s on, 10s off 

2 min break inbetween

Repeat x 3

Bosu side lunges

Standing Shoulder Press

Trx row

Kettle Bell swings

DB Chest Press


DB Static lunges


1st round: 50s on 10s off

2nd round: 40s on 20s off

3rd round: 30s on 30s off


TRX jack knife

Side Plank (each side)

Bosu sit ups

Lying toe touch crunch

Hope you enjoy this super simple circuit as much as I have been! You should find you really get your heart rate up and build up a bit of a sweat! Would love to hear what training you are doing at the moment and if you have given this circuit a go! Let me know in the comments below x x

Also I recently started a more training and nutrition specific Instagram for fat loss called @sophiebenbowcoach if you want more great circuits like this, my strength workouts, Inspo for meal prep and general motivation give me a follow and I will accept you into my private page!! Can't wait to connect!! SB x x


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